A Look at The Document Tags Management App

July 28, 2022 by
A Look at The Document Tags Management App
Captivea India, Nitesh Macwan

The Document Tags Management module is very helpful in managing the documents with tags in Odoo. Most significantly, it also helps manage the tags when transferring files from one folder to another.

A Brief Overview

Earlier, when you transfer a file from one folder to another, the tags are eliminated from the file. Our newly developed module helps you transfer all the data while moving from one folder to another without losing the tags. That means your tags remain unchanged. The entire process is demonstrated in the screenshot given below.

Follow this link https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/14.0/ksc_dms/
Don't hesitate to ask any question related to this module, we are here to help you. Contact us at [email protected]

A Look at The Document Tags Management App
Captivea India, Nitesh Macwan July 28, 2022
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