A Look into Our Project Multi Stage Wizard App

June 16, 2022 by
A Look into Our Project Multi Stage Wizard App
Captivea India, Nitesh Macwan

Earlier, the selection of multi-stages in the project module used to require a lot of time. It is a lengthy process.  Adding multi-stages is no longer a tough job since our developer designed an application with rare functionality that entitles you to select multi-stages of tasks by following a simple process. 

How It Works?

After installing this app, firstly, go to Project and click on the Create button. The installation of this module enables you to add multi tasks for a new project in the wizard as displayed in the screenshot given below.  

After creating vice a versa wizard for tasks in (Configuration= > Task stages) you can pick up multiple projects in order to add multi stages("add stages") you  created earlier. 

After clicking on the Add stages tab from the drop-down list, you are able to select multiple stages as demonstrated in the screenshot given below. 

A wizard will appear in front of you after clicking on the Add Stages tab that allows you to select a project to add the created stages as displayed in the window given below.

After clicking on the Add Tasks tab from the drop-down list, you are able to select multiple Tasks as demonstrated in the screenshot given below. 

A wizard will appear before you after clicking on the Add Tasks tab that allows you to select a Tasks of projects to add the created stages as displayed in the window given below

After clicking on the Confirm button, you can find the Ksc task has been added as shown in the screenshot given below.

Follow the link given below to visit our module. 


A Look into Our Project Multi Stage Wizard App
Captivea India, Nitesh Macwan June 16, 2022
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