What Does Odoo 15 Purchase Module Offer You?

June 2, 2022 by
What Does Odoo 15 Purchase Module Offer You?
Captivea India PVT. LTD, Nitesh Macwan

The right purchase decisions at the right time reduce the additional cost and generate your company's revenue with an increase in sales. Hence, an organization should focus on adapting better purchase strategies to accelerate purchasing operations.

The purchasing department has vital accountabilities such as the arrangement of materials, equipment, and goods, which are used to manufacture the products. Odoo 15 Purchase module has come up with new features that help you with empowering every area of your purchasing department. 

It helps track quotations and purchase orders. After the proper implementation of the Odoo Purchase module, you will get full control over the management of vendor information, generation of purchase reports, and configuration of vendor price lists.

Benefits of Odoo 15 Purchase Module

In this blog post, we will give you an insight into the features of the Odoo 15 Purchase module.

Proper Formation of RFQs

At the outset, you send quotations to vendors and you get the same quotations back from vendors along with the cost and other details before reaching an agreement with them for purchasing materials. Odoo 15 Purchase module helps you with creating and sending RFQs to the vendors. Moreover, you are allowed to send the quotation to the vendors through the mail. Most importantly, you can print the RFQ you created last. You can alter the status of the RFQ to purchase order after you get the quotation and confirmation of the order.

Correct Management of Purchase Orders

With the Odoo Purchase module, managing the purchase orders is no longer a tough task. It gets easier to create a new purchase order in the database. In addition, you are provided with the details of purchase orders like vendor details, Receipt Date, Confirmation Date, Purchase Representative details, purchase order's cost and Billing Status of the Order.

Handling of Vendors

Odoo 15 Purchase module helps you with having the details of vendors such as their contacts, schedule of meetings, and many more. You can access crucial information about purchases and sales orders with the help of their profiles. Besides, you are allowed to create a new vendor profile and add relevant details.

Better Supervision of Purchase Agreements

It becomes very easy to manage the purchase agreements with Odoo 15 Purchase module. You can also validate the agreements. Moreover, the Agreement Deadline and Source Document data can be easily added to the agreement. Afterward, you can view the RFQs, which has been created with the help of the specific purchase agreement.

Product Management

With Odoo 15 Purchase module, you can effortlessly manage the purchased products. The Purchase module helps keep the records of products and track the product's movement precisely. Using the Filters tab, you can view the various product categories. It is easy to view the purchase and sales history of the product.

Easily Generate Reports

A thorough analysis of the products is crucial for any company. The Odoo 15 Purchase module helps generate an analytical report of products your company purchased. Additionally, you can review them manually. Different types of filters are available in the module that helps you generate an accurate report.

Configuration of Vendor Price List

The vendors generally set the prices of a variety of products that can be recorded by using the Vendor Pricelist feature available in the Odoo 15 Purchase module. This feature also helps compare the price of the product.


Odoo 15 Purchase module allows you to track and tackle the purchased products in a systematic manner. A precise analysis of purchases, vendors, purchase agreements, and products is beneficial to your company. It gets easier to handle the products with the Odoo 15 Purchase module.

Konsultoo has qualified and experienced Odoo developers that can meet your company's goal. If you have any queries related to customization, contact us anytime.

What Does Odoo 15 Purchase Module Offer You?
Captivea India PVT. LTD, Nitesh Macwan June 2, 2022
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